Discover the power of an Invisalign smile
Invisalign clear aligners straighten teeth more predictably and comfortably than other aligners and braces. Click here to view video.
invis is 3 steps for a new smile.
Step 1
Meet with your Doctor and get a sneak peek at your new smile.
Using the iTero Element scanner, your Doctor can take a fast and precise 3D digital scan of your teeth and map out a custom treatment plan just for you.
Step 2
Start transforming your smile right from your first fitting.
This is a key step in your success. Your Invisalign Doctor will ensure your aligners fit well, answer your questions, and let you know what to expect.
Step 3
Keep the Invisalign smile you love.
You transformed your smile with the world’s most advanced clear aligner system. Now it’s easy to keep the smile you love.
Our retainers are custom made and 30% stronger than other retainers.
To find out more about our Invisalign treatments please visit https://themaltingsdentalsurgery.com/invisalign/